
This class offers an introduction to basic yoga poses, yoga foundations and breath work. A great class for someone new to yoga.
Expect lots of twists to help detox your physical body and release what’s no longer serving you. This class will be heat building with a relaxing cool down at the end. The sequence will be similar each time to help build muscle memory and allow your mind to let go. You will leave feeling cleansed, enlightened and ready to take on your day! Some yoga experience may be helpful but all levels are welcome.
Family yoga is for all ages and all family members! This class will focus on breathing techniques and FUN yoga poses to increase strength, flexibility and relaxation.
The full moon flow is a non-heat building vinyasa sequence with moon salutations (moving side to side) and hip openers. The full moon is a good time to set intentions and connect with your body and mind through the energy of the full moon. All levels are welcome.
Enjoy an invigorating full body vinyasa flow. This class will work every muscle, linking breath to movement at a moderate intuitive pace. Turn stress into sweat with this class to strengthen, balance and detoxify your entire body and mind as you move through some challenging postures with connected breath set to music. Power up your yoga practice!
In this practice you will release tension, feel restored, and rejuvenated. With the use of props, we hold poses longer and use the breath as a moving meditation to go inward, releasing areas we are holding onto. All levels are welcome.
This class is a gentle flow that is soothing to the soul. The intention is to create awareness and openness in the body. You will move slowly with your breath to release tension/stress, increase flexibility and find grounding. Good for all levels, including those new to yoga.
Vinyasa flow is a yoga practice that cultivates presence by connecting breath with movement. Every class sequence is creative and different. You can expect breath work, sun salutations, warrior series, balance poses, inversions, backbends, twists and fun poses. This class will strengthen your body, focus your mind and inspire your soul. All levels welcome.
In this class, specific sequencing guidelines are used to produce a particular intention for the context of the class. You will find emphasis of function over form, the use of repetition before holding postures, and various breath adaptations. Each class will be sequenced to ensure each student is prepared to settle into any given posture, bringing the benefits of yoga to all bodies, even the unbendable and mature ones. All this is done to enhance the whole body and mind experience, increasing physical, mental and emotional strength and flexibility. All levels are welcome.
Yin yoga is a slow, meditative practice where positions are held for 3-5 minutes. This practice is nourishing and challenges us each to go deeper within. All levels are welcome.
When muscle meets yoga, Sculpt is born. Boost metabolism and build lean muscle mass as you move to upbeat tracks. You’ll combine light free weights with yoga sequencing and cardio to intensify each pose while mixing in strength- training moves like squats, lunges and bicep curls. This class is designed to strengthen your yoga practice, make you sweat, get a great workout and have fun!
Yoga Stretch is a class paced to facilitate a deeper release in the major muscle groups. It includes gentle stretches, breath work, and effective movements to increase range of motion. Yoga Stretch is appropriate for all students who simply want to increase their flexibility, experience a deep release, improve strength and balance, and increase mental clarity and focus. Individualized instruction and modifications are given to accommodate students with chronic symptoms such as muscle or joint pain, stiffness or weakness. Props are used to help students create a deeper release of the body. All levels welcome.